• Process: a program in execution, different process runs in different memory space
• Thread: interleave multiple threads in the context of a single process, runs in shared memory space. A lightweight sub-process(require fewer resources than process and run in shared memory space), a path of execution.
• Thread Problem: race condition(two or more threads have access to same object’s data), thread deadlock(two threads holding a key the other thread wants)
• Synchronized: only one thread can access an object’s method at one time
• Multiple-thread in single-CPU system: context-switching between threads
• Runnable: threads needs to implement runnable interface, override run() methods
•How to make Thread(both need to provide run() method):
-> Provide Runnable object and pass into Thread constructor
-> Inherited from Thread class
•Lock(interface): .lock(), try/finally(.unlock())
Multithreading is a Java feature that allows concurrent execution of two or more parts of a program for maximum utilization of CPU. Each part of such program is called a thread. So, threads are light-weight processes within a process.
Threads can be created by using two mechanisms : 1. Extending the Thread class 2. Implementing the Runnable Interface
Thread creation by extending the Thread class
We create a class that extends the java.lang.Thread class. This class overrides the run() method available in the Thread class. A thread begins its life inside run() method. We create an object of our new class and call start() method to start the execution of a thread. Start() invokes the run() method on the Thread object.
Thread creation by implementing the Runnable Interface
We create a new class which implements java.lang.Runnable interface and override run() method. Then we instantiate a Thread object and call start() method on this object.
Thread Class vs Runnable Interface
If we extend the Thread class, our class cannot extend any other class because Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance. But, if we implement the Runnable interface, our class can still extend other base classes.
We can achieve basic functionality of a thread by extending Thread class because it provides some inbuilt methods like yield(), interrupt() etc. that are not available in Runnable interface.
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