Binary Tree Paths
Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.
Given the following binary tree:
/ \
2 3
All root-to-leaf paths are:
public class Solution {
* @param root: the root of the binary tree
* @return: all root-to-leaf paths
public List<String> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode root) {
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
if (root == null) {
return res;
helper(root, String.valueOf(root.val), res);
return res;
private void helper(TreeNode root, String path, List<String> res) {
if (root == null) {
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
if (root.left != null) {
helper(root.left, path + "->" + root.left.val, res);
// ---------------------------
if (root.right != null) {
helper(root.right, path + "->" + root.right.val, res);
//Divide and Conquer
//Not that easy to understand
public List<String> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode root) {
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<>();
if (root == null) {
return paths;
// root is a leaf
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
paths.add("" + root.val);
List<String> leftPaths = binaryTreePaths(root.left);
List<String> rightPaths = binaryTreePaths(root.right);
for (String path : leftPaths) {
paths.add(root.val + "->" + path);
for (String path : rightPaths) {
paths.add(root.val + "->" + path);
return paths;
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