Given a set of strings which just has lower case letters and a target string, output all the strings for each the edit distance with the target no greater thank
Copy dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]
next[i] = dp[i-1]
dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j-1], dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])
next[i] = min(dp[i-1], dp[i], next[i-1])
Copy public class Solution {
private class TrieNode{
Map<Character,TrieNode> children;
String word;
boolean isWord;
children = new HashMap<>();
private class Trie{
TrieNode root;
root = new TrieNode();
public void insert(String word){
TrieNode curt = root;
for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){
char c = word.charAt(i);
curt.children.put(c,new TrieNode());
curt = curt.children.get(c);
curt.isWord = true;
curt.word = word;
* @param words: a set of stirngs
* @param target: a target string
* @param k: An integer
* @return: output all the strings that meet the requirements
public List<String> kDistance(String[] words, String target, int k) {
// write your code here
List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();
if(words == null || words.length == 0){
return ans;
Trie trie = new Trie();
for(String word : words){
int[] dp = new int[target.length() + 1];
for(int i = 0; i <= target.length(); i++){
dp[i] = i;
return ans;
private void dfs(TrieNode node,String target,int k, List<String> ans, int[] dp){
if(node.isWord && dp[target.length()] <= k){
//dp代表这一行 ====> [i-1,j-1],[i -1,j]
//next代表dp的下一行 [i,j-1], [i,j]
int[] next = new int[target.length() + 1];
node.children.forEach((ch,v) ->{
next[0] = dp[0] + 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= target.length(); i++){
if(target.charAt(i - 1) == ch){
next[i] = dp[i - 1];
next[i] = Math.min(Math.min(dp[i - 1],dp[i]),next[i - 1]) + 1;