Write a removeDuplicates() function which takes a list and deletes any duplicate nodes from the list. The list is not sorted.
if the linked list is 12->11->12->21->41->43->21 then removeDuplicates() should convert the list to 12->11->21->41->43.
排序(merge sort)+双指针
class LinkedList
Node head; // head of list
/* Linked list Node*/
class Node
int data;
Node next;
Node(int d) {data = d; next = null; }
void removeDuplicates() {
/*Another reference to head*/
Node current = head;
/* Pointer to store the next pointer of a node to be deleted*/
Node next_next;
/* do nothing if the list is empty */
if (head == null)
/* Traverse list till the last node */
while (current.next != null) {
/*Compare current node with the next node */
if (current.data == current.next.data) {
next_next = current.next.next;
current.next = null;
current.next = next_next;
else // advance if no deletion
current = current.next;
import java.util.HashSet;
public class removeDuplicates {
static class node {
int val;
node next;
public node(int val) {
this.val = val;
/* Function to remove duplicates from a
unsorted linked list */
static void removeDuplicate(node head) {
// Hash to store seen values
HashSet<Integer> hs = new HashSet<>();
/* Pick elements one by one */
node current = head;
node prev = null;
while (current != null) {
int curval = current.val;
// If current value is seen before
if (hs.contains(curval)) {
prev.next = current.next;
} else {
prev = current;
current = current.next;